![]() Today we're taking a look at the all new Nintendo Switch game - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Six years in development, does the new Zelda game deliver on what is one of the most anticipated games of 2017? Read on to find out. Written by Joshua Condon (Click any of the pictures below for a larger version) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a testament to the very first Zelda game, where exploration and discovery were the driving points of it. Breath of the Wild kicks out standard Zelda formula by giving barely any tutorial and letting you explore a vast open world, and allows you to find things out by yourself. The story is something I was worried about as Open World games struggle with having decent stories, but this game does it right. Rather than having an objective and forgetting about it, it's up to you to find out what happened to the world and piece together the story as you explore, adding to the sense of discovery. I can confidently say that this is the best Zelda story. The game play is also the best in the series. Outside of battle, you can literally climb every surface, except for dungeon and shrine walls as that would ruin the puzzles. The weather affects how you go about playing the game. If it's raining, everything is slippery, so it's harder to climb, but your footsteps are clouded by the rain so you can sneak up on enemies. If there's a thunderstorm, you will get struck by lightning, but if you throw something metallic at an enemy, they'll get struck by it. If it's too hot or too cold, you'll take damage unless you have the right clothing or cooked the right food. Cooking is extremely simple but so addicting to see what you can make. Simply put some ingredients in a fire and watch Link cook. The actual battle mechanics are very simple but also complex. Every type of weapon (Swords, Spears, and heavy weapons) has a standard combo, but if you dodge an attack right before it hits, you slow time down and can do a flurry of attacks. If you put your shield up right before they hit you, you will parry and the enemy will be stunned. While this sounds really easy, this is really hard to pull off when your not used to looking for dodging attacks right before it hits. It takes a while to study the enemy and how they move, something that's really rewarding. The game is not easy, both in puzzle solving and combat. Out of the three main dungeons and 70 shrines I've done, very few have been super easy. Shrines are very useful as you get a Spirit Orb when you beat it, and getting 4 rewards you with either a Heart Container which extends your life, or a Stamina Vessel that increases your stamina. And your weapons break through extensive use, which adds a sense of strategy. The game looks and sounds amazing. It really shows what Nintendos new console can do, although there's some frame drops when there's a lot going on. The sound is the best I've heard in a while, and I'm not just talking about that music. The sounds everything makes immerse you into the vast world. The way Links equipment hit his back. The way his feet slosh in the grass when it's raining, or hearing a far off Lightning strike. This world feels like the most alive world in any game I've played, and I love it. This game has gotten so much praise, and it deserves all of it. It's nearly perfect, some might even argue it is perfect. It is one of the best games to come out in recent years. It's one of, if not the best Zelda game ever, and one of the best games of all time. I cannot recommend this game enough. Related Updates:
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