This past weekend we made the drive out to Chino, CA to check out a couple of Halloween events that had received really great word of mouth. Normally we wouldn't make the drive out this far but since we were already in OC, and a lot of the smaller haunts there don't start until this weekend, we figured we'd head inland a bit. And we are sure glad we did! They were both fantastic and worth the visit. Fear in 3DOur first stop was Fear in 3D in Chino Hills. This was our first stop because it began at 5:00pm and would give us a great head-start on our night of Halloween fun. Dark HarvestOur second event on Saturday was just a mile or two from Fear in 3D and was Dark Harvest at Frosty's Forest. This was a full-fledged Halloween fun fair with rides, multiple corn mazes, photo ops, food and much more! We arrived a bit early since Dark Harvest didn't begin until 7:00, so we had some time to explore! Our video of Dark Harvest. I cut out a bit of the darker spots in the corn maze, but not too many. You can use your phone flashlight in the maze, but we opted not to. We wanted the full effect! And I will say, the talent got me twice in here. Which is VERY rare considering how many Halloween events we do every year. But thank you to the ones who did. I always like to get it good at least once a season. =) If you're going to experience Dark Harvest, we HIGHLY SUGGEST getting there right at 7:00pm. Meaning, you're in line for Dark Harvest no later than 7:00pm. When we left about 7:45pm or so, the line for Dark Harvest and at the entrance to the Pumpkin patch was huge. We had such a great time at Dark Harvest. The corn maze was spectacular, each scene was unique and fun and the talent was amazing. Related Video
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December 2024