In celebration of the day Marty McFly came to the future in Back to the Future Part II, the versatile small town of Fillmore, California became Hill Valley. Here are some pictures from the event on October 22nd, 2015. Written by Amanda Condon Fillmore took on the persona of Hill Valley for the weekend. The town hall became the clock tower, and the band the Flux Capacitors played at certain times of the day. Attendants could even get a photograph in front of the clock from the tower. There were two Toyota Pick-Up's as well that resembled those from the movie. There was also a police car from "2015" that served as an actual prop in the 1989 film. There were several different Deloreans complete with Flux Capacitors. One of the Deloreans was complete with the times of travel on the dashboard. Of course, there was the future Delorean from part II. Attendees could also sit in a very close rendition of the film's car. Inside the old bank was a display of props from the three films that are set to be auctioned off on Friday the 23rd. Clara's dress from Part III was standing pretty. The almanac that Biff used to become a millionaire had a backup cover. The newspapers from Part II were also seen side by side. There was even the phone book page with Doc Brown's address on it. A futuristic California license plate and other small props were also up for auction. A future police baton was set beside Biff's desk photo. The actual hoverboard from the movie was also present, beside the sports almanac. In 2015, all people are fired through fax. The local movie theater was playing Jaws 19: This Time, it's Really Really Personal. There was a premier of a documentary about the trilogy and they played Part III of the trilogy - the first time the locally owned theater had been opened in over 10 years. Griff's gang (with George McFly and Marty McFly Jr.) were seen at the event.Obviously someone meddled with time again. There was also an event where you could ride a Delorean on the train tracks and take a trip on a hoverboard supported by a crane. Fillmore is a very small town but the event was put together in a spectacular way. They are currently filming parts for a new film for Back to the Future in Fillmore but it has not been confirmed whether it is a documentary or a continuation of the series.
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October 2024