![]() We have another Walt Disney World update for you today, this time a few pictures from Disney's Animal Kingdom's new Avatar land and the new home for Festival of the Lion King. We think these are some of the first construction pictures of Avatar to be posted online, at least the first we've seen. Thanks again to Chris for taking time out of his family vacation to send us the following pictures. Yellow tape always means "something". I'm sure you've all seen these, but if not, here is the Disney concept art for Avatar. James Cameron, Bob Iger and Joe Rohde looking at one of the models for Avatar. The groundbreaking ceremony that was held a few months ago. And a look at the new home for Festival of the Lion King. We hope to have some more pictures in the next few days and we'll update. Please Share!!!!
4/29/2014 01:56:40 pm
That's Tom Staggs in the middle looking at the model. Not Bob Iger.
Rob W
4/29/2014 10:14:50 pm
I'm really not convinced by Avatar-land tbh. It's a strange choice by Disney. Shame they done signed for it before the Lucasfilm deal went through - as I'm sure Star Wars land would be more popular.
Jeff G
4/30/2014 03:13:19 am
I think we will be lucky enough to get them both. Star Wars Land would not fit into the Animal Kingdom; That will come to the Studios. Avatar had a message of conservation and being in synch with the animals. that fits right in at AK.
4/30/2014 10:33:41 am
totally agree..perfect fit in DAK..cant wait for 2017
4/30/2014 08:46:34 am
Yes! This is Pandora! It looks awesome and I can't wait to see it when it finished! Avatar is perfect for AK!
5/1/2014 12:46:52 pm
I disagree whole-heartedly that pandora fits at DAK.... DAK's purpose is to explore real known animals and beasts that have real historical significance. I've seen people mention the yeti when I say this. There is a huge difference between a yeti that has real historical significance and whole clans of living people in the himalayas still believe to be a real living beast and a blue creature completely made up in the mind of a movie director/writer. There is a HUGE difference there. Pandora should have gone into DHS. Its going into DAK solely because Disney wants a hit section that will legitimize DAK's hours being extended to later times like the rest of the parks and because it just barely sorta kinda but doesnt really fit the theme of DAK. Its such a loose fit the bike wouldnt make it 10 feet without the tire coming off. That said this is done and we have to live with it. The only thing that would make this addition acceptable in my eyes is they need to have a clear distinction at the entrance of the section! That distinction needs to say something to the likes of "Every day we discover new galaxies with vast solar systems and planets. The search continues for the existence of life beyond this planet. This section is devoted to the idea that extraterrestrial intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe". That still makes pandora a VERY loose fit but at least it ties it to a very real idea
I certainly see your point Jim, and I don't necessarily disagree.
6/16/2014 03:38:24 am
I disagree, Take a good look at the entrance to animal kingdom, there are 3 animals that stand for animals that are, animals that were, and animals that never was. That section was suppose to be mythical creatures and is why you can see a Dragon on their logo, but it was scraped, so if we view avatar as mythical creatures then in reality Disney is actually doing what they planned to do in the beginning.
6/16/2014 07:26:21 am
Apparently you didn't follow me on the yeti. Just like the yeti, dragons have real historical significance! You look back and there are civilizations that lasted for far more centuries then America has been alive that believed dragons were real! All the Na'vi are, are a made up species in the head of a hollywood director. By your definition then Animal Kingdom would be the perfect place to put a Godzilla section or heck why not a ManBearPig section from south park...their both species that never were! No NO! The difference is if you can tie the idea to real historical significance or a real factual idea. You can tie the Na'vi to the idea I meantioned...its loose, VERY loose! But its the only way to seperate the Avatar section being okay and a section to Godzilla or manbearpig not being okay, cause by your definition those are fine
6/16/2014 05:53:29 am
Pandora: World of Avatar is Perfect for the Animal Kingdom for 2017! This will be awesome!
6/16/2014 05:54:10 am
Pandora: World of Avatar is Perfect for the Animal Kingdom for 2017! This will be great place for Animal Kingdom
6/16/2014 05:54:24 am
Pandora: World of Avatar is Perfect for the Animal Kingdom
10/20/2014 06:48:13 am
Does it really matter which park Disney decides to build a ride. If the ride isn't replacing an existing relevant one and it helps that park in some way then that is all that truly matters. If you want to gripe about a ride being in the wrong park then you should be more concerned about Maelstrom being replaced by Frozen in Epcot. Comments are closed.
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