To kick of the final week of Colossus, we are looking to post some fun memories/pictures over the past 36 years of Colossus. If you have a story you'd like to share with us, send us an email or message on our Facebook page by Friday August 8th. Anybody who gets their story featured will have a chance to win an AMAZING Colossus prize. And we mean AMAZING!!! * Anybody who submits a picture or story will get FULL credit in the article. This contest is in NO WAY affiliated with Six Flags or Six Flags Magic Mountain. You must be a fan of ours on Facebook and/or Twitter and get your entries in by midnight (Pacific) on Friday August 8th!! If you have a website and would like the link to that website included with your story, just let us know in your email or message. We are more than happy to give you credit!!
Clifford Lake
8/7/2014 02:41:57 pm
Oh my, well, I could have been a contender...let me put some stuff in (I don't want a prize though, I do stuff like this for the pure FUN)......Time for the story, I am semi coherent now, and hope this post will answer a ton of questions. The marathon was awesome, Six Flags Magic Mountain. Totally ROCKED their game with this stunt. I am blessed that they chose me to participate. So, it's no secret I was eliminated, a technicality took me out, but, a technicality put me back on the coaster. There were some other friends of mine that were picked, but, for an odd reason. They weren't there. My buddy Caesar was though, and we teamed up. Of the 24 riders, some were cool, some were complete buttheads and we couldn't wait for them to get the boot. The awesome people at Magic Mountain had private pools going on about who they thought would make it. I was one. The morning started with Fox 11 L.A cheering us on, after a few hours, people were dropping like flies. Each time we made a lap. I would make up a song about the number we were on. I was keeping track. Magic Mountain was in charge of keeping track of that and how long break time was so we could pee and stuff. The rhythm started flowing. And all was cool for the first 10 hours. I was keeping track of the laps and the Magic Mountain people kept official time for pee time. Shift change came around and the new official counter came around and seemed a little confused on duties. she didn't know the lap count but, had the stop watch in hand. on the dinner break, like all, strict 15 minutes, the routine continued. do your shit and get back. Some of the riders claim she called too soon and some said I missed it by 5 to 30 seconds. Who cares, the fact was she said I'm axed along with three people behind me. Well, rules are rules and even the vice president of the park Neil, was proud of my sportsmanship to accept the defeat without repercussion. Truly, I was pissed, I knew I made it in time but, Screw it. I instantly became an allowed supporter. each contestant was allowed a supporter at any time. And they could ride, just not win. So I rode, and ran with the pack until it came down to the final 6. I was Caesar's supporter. I am so proud of the 6 way tie on this contest. I have a group of friends (6) that will forever remember this.Many MANY MANY people asked why we were doing this. Simple answer.... WHY NOT?
Clifford Lake
8/7/2014 02:59:29 pm Comments are closed.
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