![]() Welcome to another West Coast Racers update from Six Flags Magic Mountain. Now that work is picking up at the site, you may see more frequent updates as we follow the progress of the ride. Let's take a look!! Written by Gregg Condon Not sure if this a permanent change or not, but the Member entrance has been moved. It was a beautiful day at the park and despite it being both Jubilee and a Holiday weekend, the park was surprisingly not busy during the morning hours. You may remember from our last West Coast Racers update that we had a bit of criticism for the park based on the amount of rides that weren't open. I also was unable to fit on Batman (but that wasn't on the park). I'm happy to say that today's visit was a complete 180 from our previous visit. Rides were open, running great AND I fit on Batman. I know the update seemed kind of harsh, but we've always called it like it is. And I'm very glad to call this visit like it is. Great day at the park!! Some work going on around the entrance to Tidal Wave, maybe some re-do of the concrete here? Hi Metropolis!! You are looking great!! So let's get into our West Coast Racers update. We have both video and pics for you this week. We also included some Slo-Mo video of other rides around the park, because why not. =) Of course, as I was going to get pics of the ride I realized I didn't put the memory card in the DSLR, so cell pics will have to suffice. Launch Track is close to complete and as you can see, the White track is heading up Lots of work going on around Cyclone 500 Another view Zoomed in, sorry about the quality. Cell Phone cameras work great, until you have to zoom in. Headed up towards Ninja, an overview of the area. Another zoomed shot, there was actually a LOT of new track done on Apocalypse. From this angle it almost looks like the Cyclone 500 loading area is the station for West Coast Racers. Took a look at some of the new merchandise around the park, I really love this Sweatshirt. Some other colors that definitely aren't my style, but they may be yours. How much are you gonna pay me to wear a half sweatshirt? I do love the Pride sweatshirt, just don't need to show off my gut wearing it. Picked up some of the Coasterdynamix Nanocoaster's for a friend. These are actually really cool and I may have to get some for myself at some point. Alright, that's gonna wrap it up for this update. Hope you enjoyed. The ride is really starting to move along and I'd anticipate even more work being visible soon. As for an opening, we had said around Fright Fest during our last update, and we are still holding to that. Although maybe mid to late August isn't out of the question. Related Videos:
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