![]() Happy New Year and welcome to our first Twisted Colossus update of 2015. There has been a LOT of work going on at the site over the past couple of weeks, not so much of things being built, but more things being torn down. We'll also bring you the first edition of "Challenge Accepted" Journey. Because really, how many pictures of dirt and track do you need to see? And how many do we really need to take? The Holidays are over, Holiday in the Park is over so now the focus shifts squarely to Twisted Colossus, the ScreamPunk District and everything that goes along with that including Scream(ing) for Sandwiches (see what I did there?). As seen from the lot, a lot of the Colossus structure has been removed. I know this is disconcerting to a lot of people because it's not as big, but bigger isn't always better (see Phoenix at Knoebels). Green Track ready to go somewhere. They were working in this area with the crane as I was leaving later in the day. Colossus ... you have been chopped. You can pretty much see all the way into the station from the parking lot now. More work being done on the first turn around, looks like track could be ready to go up at any time. They were also digging a hole ... like a VERY big hole. I don't recall this from the artwork or the animated POV. We'll keep an eye on it. Sorry for the sun flare, it was bright. But basically the hole is deep enough where you can't even see the tractor that is digging it. Signature Shot Crane is ready to move some track Inside the park ... a wall. I'd assume some kind of artwork will show up here shortly like they did for Lex Luthor and Full Throttle. Hopefully we'll get another hard hat tour once there is some work done. (hint hint) "Fire Hydrant" JourneyEarlier today on our Facebook and Twitter pages we posted a question asking what else, other than coasters, people would want to see in our updates. We figured we'd see things like "Gardens" or "Games" or "Ride signs". But the first one we got was from Jim at Westcoaster, and being Jim it was a request for Fire Hydrants. Every Fire Hydrant in the park. So Challenge thrown out, and challenge accepted. We'll be doing more of these in the future, because we got some really great suggestions, and why not have some fun with these updates and let you guys decide what they are about. So if you have more suggestions, please share them with us, we'll certainly be up at the park enough to get through all of them. =) So without further ado ... The Fire Hydrants of Six Flags Magic Mountain. If you can guess where they all are, you'll win absolutely nothing. 88 lines about 44 hydrants ... (well, 44 lines about 22 hydrants) Alright, that's gonna wrap it up for this little update. We hope you enjoyed our little bit of silliness to go along with another update. We promise we'll get a little more clever the next time around. We've already got some ideas for some of the suggestions we've had. We should have another update soon. Comments are closed.
November 2024