Update: We were just able to confirm with our Six Flags PR Contacts that there will be NO capital announcements this year. Basically, whatever is "new for 2020" is now "new for 2021". It's now been 6 months since many of us have visited a theme park, at least those of us, like myself, who have been in CA since March. This week we will start seeing the 2021 announcements coming out of Six Flags. It's sure to be a different kind of announcement than previous years. Things we do know:
Things we kind of know:
Questions we have:
Those are some pretty big questions, and in a few days we'll have the answers. But in the meantime, we figured we'd take a step back and look at the Six Flags announcements over the past few years, to maybe get us all hyped up for what is sure to be some unique announcements. Finally, we'll have some final thoughts on what we may hear this week due to what didn't open in 2020. 2015These announcements were made August 28, 2014. This was the first year we were around for the announcements, and it was a pretty significant one. You can check out our full update on the announcements below Six Flags Announces 2015 Attraction Plans 2015 saw two RMC conversions, Justice League, S&S Free Spins and the start of the "coaster wars" with larson loopers. Overall we felt this was a pretty solid year for attractions. But we did start to see a trend of the bigger parks in the chain getting a lot of attention while the smaller parks kept getting flats or hand-me-down attractions. 2016Another, what we felt at the time, was a pretty solid year for Six Flags attractions. Not much in the way of innovation, but at least those of us on the west coast got a re-done Revolution and RMC at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. You can see our full run-down below. Six Flags Announces 2016 Attractions This year saw more than one attraction that had a name change prior to opening. Can you name them? 2017This was definitely the year where the repetitiveness started getting to us. Even resulting in one of RD's most controversial articles ever. Well, for Six Flags. We got more than one email about this one, let me assure you. You can see our full article below. Full Run Down of Attractions coming to Six Flags in 2017 This was one of those years that did not have a unique coaster in the chain. Everything was cloned of something else, and re-skinned to fit that individual park. We even saw two Wonder Woman rides, but two completely different rides. 2018This year brought with it another RMC conversion, 3 Harley Quinn rides (with 3 different ride systems) and the first of the RMC single rail coasters to the chain. Our full update is below. Full Run Down of Attractions coming to Six Flags in 2018 Overall, again, the consensus was that this was a solid year for the chain, despite a few more clones. Thankfully only one larson looper this year and a couple of next gen flat rides were a welcome change. 2019Apparently for this year we decided not to go with our traditional "run down" article with all of the Six Flags announcements. I remember sitting in the Miami airport doing these in the very early hours as I was flying home from a work trip. So didn't have time to go through the stuff from the parks that didn't send us their announcements. But here's what we did have. I have to say, I have a hard time remembering what was even announced for any of the other parks. Here is the key-art for the entire chain. 2020And that brings us to 2020, the year that kind of wasn't. A lot of these announcements have fallen by the wayside. One 2019 attraction (West Coast Racers) didn't even "officially" open until January of this year. Which seems like another lifetime ago. I was on a cruise when these announcements were made and knew after all of you. And wouldn't you know, this Thursday when the 2021 announcements are being made, I'll be moving. But here are the announcements we had for 2020.
By all accounts, 2020 was going to be a great year for Six Flags waterparks. And the expanded RMC Single Rail coaster coming to New Jersey. In addition to a great family coaster coming to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Heck, I was even looking forward to the enhancements to Fright Fest and Holiday in the Park at Six Flags Magic Mountain. So as of right now, the only 2020 attractions that are open are at Six Flags Mexico and Six Flags Over Georgia. So what should we expect for 2021 at this point? Things are in a very sticky situation, obviously. Their flagship park has been closed since March. Most of their other parks opened late this year and didn't open their new attraction. Most of what you see on the image above will be what opens in 2021. And at this point, I don't think we could or should expect anything more out of the chain. There is also the possibility of some restructuring of "where" these attractions going. I'd imagine they'd concentrate on the larger parks over the next few years, and that may mean filling it in with some of these attractions meant for the smaller parks. Especially if Six Flags is looking to ditch some parks due to the Covid epidemic. Whatever happens, we'll have the announcements for you on Thursday, and maybe a live-stream at some point Thursday night. Because I'm gonna need to just sit and have a drink after moving. One thing to note, next year is the 50th Anniversary of Six Flags Magic Mountain. It remains to be seen if they will do anything to mark this occasion. - Gregg Related Videos
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